Drain Drizzler

Your algae’s gone

with Algaenon

Technical Specifications

What Drain Drizzler Does

Drain Drizzler kills green algae in the drain pipes by pumping a small dose of white vinegar three times a day. A little often is the secret.

What Drain Drizzler Doesn’t Do

Remove silt, sediment, or mechanical blockage from the A/C drain. You might clear this with vacuum or water pressure, but A/C Professionals typically use compressed air.

White Vinegar Consumption

Drain Drizzler pumps white vinegar according to temperature, so vinegar consumption depends on your local temperature and the location of the air handler. The highest consumption would be in locations where temperatures exceed 25°C (77°F) day and night.

In Central to South Florida 25°C nights can last for four months giving a minimum consumption as follows:  0.75 ml x 3 (per day) x 31 (days) x 4 (months) = 279 ml. So those hot Summer days (and nights) will use over half the 500 ml reservoir.

Electrical Specifications

Absolute Maximum Ratings

AC Terminal Block – 30 VAC

DC Barrel Connector – 14 VDC

Drain Drizzler PRO was designed to use either 12VDC (via the DC barrel connector) or 12-24VAC (via the screw terminal connector).

The screw terminal input can also accept DC up to the NEC limit of 42.5 VDC.

The Drain Drizzler DIY uses only 12VDC from the included power adapter.


Power Consumption

Drain Drizzler uses very little power, just a few milliwatts, with the green LED using more power than the electronics. Three times a day the pump uses 500 mA at 12V (6 Watts) for less than a second.

Limited Warranty

Drain Drizzler warrants all products as capable of functioning for three years from the date of install.   Link to Warranty.

Register your Drain Drizzler here: Register

Intellectual Property

Drain Drizzler is Patent Applied For, and the website and any downloadable materials are copyrighted.


DIY Handyman Version

Easy to install for the average homeowner. Requires minimal handyman tools. You got this.

Pro for A/C Professionals

Requires access to the Air handler controls or a convenient doorbell transformer.  You got this.


Easy install and set up, requires minimal tools and handyman skills. 

See install instructions here.


Simple install with three power options for versatility. Requires minimal tools.

See install instructions here.


Email Drain Drizzler here:


Why Drain Drizzler?

Easy to install and convenient, Drain Drizzler keeps your A/C drain squeaky clean. Algaenon to the rescue! Kapow! Kasplop!


Drain Drizzler does the dirty work so you don’t have to handle nasty chemicals.

no more algae

Drain Drizzler delivers the exact dose of Goodbye Slimy, whatever the weather.

Drain Drizzler Limited Warranty

Drain Drizzler is warranted to reduce green algae in air conditioning condensate drains for a period of three years. Drain drizzler does not correct plumbing or mechanical faults, sediment or silt, or other plant or animal infestations. Faulty units may be returned for refund or replacement. 

Seller warrants to Customer for a period of three years following installation only that the products shall conform to the description and specifications, subject to correct installation. Seller hereby disclaims and Customer hereby waives any and all other oral or written warranties in respect of the products, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Seller expressly disclaims any and all other warranties unless expressly made in writing and signed by an officer of Seller. Seller’s liability shall be limited, at Seller’s option, to repair or replacement of non-conforming products or refund of the purchase price. The foregoing sets forth Seller’s entire obligation and liability to Customer in respect of the products, and Customer accepts the same as its entire right and sole remedy in relation to any breach by Seller of these terms and conditions. 

In no event or circumstance whatsoever shall Seller be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or special damages of any type or nature even if Seller has reason to know of the possibility of such damages. Seller’s total liability arising out of or in any way related to the products, whether based in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence and/or gross negligence), strict liability, or any other cause of action, shall in no event exceed the purchase price actually paid by Customer for the products to which such liability relates.